【同义词辨析】 2018-06-20 推断infer-judge

infer: implies the formulation of an opinion, a principle, a decision, or a conclusion by reasoning from evidence: from that remark, I ~red that they knew each other. (reason推理: 指连续的逻辑思考consecutive logical thinking)

deduce: adds to infer the special implication of drawing a particular inference from a generalization: from that we can ~ that man is a mammal.  (generalization概括、一般规则,如all birds have feathers,概括归纳induction的结果,概括的过程叫归纳induce (如"所有哺乳动物都是胎生的all mammals are viviparous"是概括generalization,"人是哺乳动物humans are viviparous"是具体情况specific case,由此得出结论conclusion: "人是胎生humans are viviparous",这种是演绎deduction)

conclude: implies an arriving at a logically necessary inference at the end of a chain of reasoning: ~ that only he could have committed the crime.

judge: stresses a critical testing of the premises or examination of the evidence on which a conclusion is based: ~ people by their actions, not words.

gather: suggests a direct or intuitive forming of a conclusion from hints or implications: ~ that the couple wanted to be alone.

infer推断: 根据证据通过推理形成意见原则决定结论,deduce演绎: 指从一个概括得出推断,conclusion结论: 一系列推理得到的最终推论,judge判断: 批判性检查前提和证据之后得出结论, gather根据直觉判断: 根据提示暗示直觉地推断

记忆方法: 1) 首字母重组为JC DIG警察挖掘<==为了推断出真相

        2) 推断的意思是得到思维结论mean to arrive at a mental conclusion.